Vibrant buys and sells new and used Sun SparcServer 1000 server models. Please contact us for pricing and availability or click below to request a quote or sell your excess systems to us.

The Sun SparcServer 1000 is part of the Sun4d computer architecture products first developed by Sun Microsystems in 1992. It was part of their attempt at making a a mainframe-class server with high speed and performance. These servers have LED lights that inform IT people how busy the server is at any given time for diagnostics and troubleshooting.

Sun SparcServer 1000 Features:
  • CPUs/Processors: SunOS 5.2 50 MHZ
  • Memory: Capable of a capacity of up to 2 GB and 5 GB hard drive capacity
  • Disk Drives: SCSI
  • Interfaces: Ethernet and serial ports
  • Other Detail: Runs Unix

Vibrant offers complete configurations as well as individual parts and upgrades for this model. For pricing on new or used Sun SparcServer 1000 Servers servers, upgrades or parts, please contact Vibrant sales at or call 888-443-8606 or 952-653-1700.